
General Meeting Minutes for 2010

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting January 13, 2010
Attendance: 21 (in attendance) Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Brooks Rimes, Mike Steinagel, Fred Ruocco, Dan Morabito, Al Ackerman, Shelia Ferrentino, Anne Fahning, Floyd Doring, Tom Witkowski, John McCarthy, Dick Planavsky, Norm Hahn, Dave Gehring, Joe Biondo, Gary Carini.

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. 
Lion Tom Witkowski introduced our guests, DG Dave Gehring, Lion Joe Biando and Vice DG Gary Carini.
Announcements –
Lion Dave Chervinsky “Hands across the Border” sports banquet sponsored by the Wheatfield Lions Club, with Lou Picone as the speaker, Tuesday 1/19/10 from 6PM -10PM at the Days Inn in Niagara Falls, cost $25. Lion Dave will be forwarding a final count tonight.
Lion Dick:  Split club, $196, Lion Pat Patterson, absent, Lion Donna Lavallee was chosen, 10 of hearts was drawn.
LP Henry - Fines – Fines can be no more than $1, however, an individual can be fined more than once for two different situations.
Presentation: DG Dave Gehring; Greetings from international president  Eberhard Wirfs with the theme “Move to grow" encompassing growth in leadership, service and membership.  The 11 DG’s of NYS purchased a gingko tree and planted it at Camp Badger in honor of this year’s international president.  Membership as a whole has been decreasing.  This year DG Dave committed to 60 new members, 55 clubs 1 member/club plus a few.  DG requested a grant from Lions International of $1750 to help with the promotion of local Lions Club.  Instituting this advertising PR campaign demonstrates a concerted effort to increase membership throughout the district 20N.   Money could be used for a slinger for local paper or other publicity of the clubs choice.  $150 will be offered for clubs less than 20 members, 20-50 members the cost of publicity will be split.  Reasons why people are not Lions is perhaps that they haven’t been asked or asked often enough.  Take what people can offer.  Internationally, countries have many more members.   NYS convention is May 14-16 in Buffalo, NY.   DG raffle tickets for $1.  Convention raffle are as follows; Raffle for club membership of $100/club to go towards an endowment fund, $25 individual membership, $250 for 3 raffle tickets for an individual club Uplinger award. 
Correspondence:  The club received a thank you from one of the peace poster contestants.  Lion Paul Bassette read the letter to the club.  Bon Ton sent a check for our part of the community days of $171.56.  This exceeds our budgeted amount for BonTon this year. 
Committee Reports: 
Spaghetti Dinner- Lion Dick, we need all around help to make this year’s dinner a success.
Lion Paul received a call from Adrian Pollack son Alan to set up a 501B trust fund to finance the scholarship fund.  Perhaps Lion Mark Frenzel can help with the organization of this fund, however, we will need to hire an accountant.  This will be further discussed at the board meeting in January.
Sunshine Club, Lion Larry Furnia had his surgery, he is recuperating.  Lion Bill Wind’s mother passed away, the funeral mass is 1/14/10.
Lion Tom W. - Letter to the presidents of the 20N clubs will be going out regarding the Journey for Sight to be held at Beaver Island State Park, date TBA.
Presidents Report:  New Business;
 An open program date for next meeting.  LP Henry suggested that a comprehensive finance report be discussed, with discussion on possible projects and the community needs assessment.
2/24 speaker from the GI Senior Center arranged by Lion Al.
LP Henry will be visiting the Canine Helpers group in Lockport regarding a donation request.  He will be requesting a copy of their financial report.
LP will also be visiting the human resource departments of businesses on GI discussing dress down days at their business to benefit the club.
A brief board meeting to follow tonight’s meeting for DG Dave to review a set of questions.
Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn Lion Anne seconded Lion Dan  meeting adjourned 8:39 PM.
Next meeting will be January 27, 2010 at the Buffalo Launch Club, board of directors meeting to follow.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
January 27, 2010

Attendance: 20 (in attendance)Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford,  Dave Chervinsky, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Mike Steinagel, Fred Ruocco, Dan Morabito, Al Ackerman, Shelia Ferrentino, Anne Fahning, Floyd Doring, Tom Witkowski, John McCarthy, Dick Planavsky, Tom DeCarlo, Tom Rusert and two guests, Mike Dorgan, Mark Tyson.
Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM. 
Lion Paul Bassette introduced our guests, prospective members, Mike Dorgan and Mark Tyson
Announcements –
Lion Tom- Lion Bill Wind had knee replacement surgery and is doing well.
Lion Dick:  Split club, $205, Lion Larry Furnia, absent, Lion Tom Rusert was chosen, Queen of clubs was drawn.
Presentation: Lion Henry:  Provided a brief summary of the clubs activities year to date and upcoming events.  The past 6 months;  installation dinner, we began the year with 45 members, we now stand at 39, we lost 2 to death and 4 dropped their membership.  We should concentrate on how to make the club more meaningful and bolster active member involvement.
July:  SPK- we had a successful event, however, we only had 150 children, due to school circumstances.  Lion Bob Christmann is hopefully working on this.
Loan closet- It was cleaned out, some things scrapped for sale
Library – We gave a $500 donation to the GI Library for large print books.
June:  Scholarships – 4 -$500 were given out to deserving graduating seniors
July:  Members summer picnic at Lion Anne’s house this year’s picnic will be on 7/17.
August:  White cane sale – August – We collected $1731-Budget $1750, However, more active club support is needed. Dick Planavsky agreed   to Chair the 2010 Days.
September:  Peace Poster contest – 60 entrants.  We will invite our 1st and 2nd  place winners. to the May 2010 meeting.  Many of the Peace posters will be displayed at the Spaghetti Dinner, and possibly in the community room at the Library.
October:  Sight Night - 1253 pairs of glasses and 53 hearing aids were collected.  Club participation was good.
November: Diabetes screening joint with the Knights of Columbus, 37 people were screened.
 December:  Christmas party, good attendance, good time.
Review of 2010 Activities
February:  Valentines party.  Another Community Days at the Bon Ton will be coming up Saturday 2/27, please support this . See Annette for tickets
March:  41st Annual Spaghetti Dinner, 3/22. Letters have gone out to Tops and Rosita Foods, The Ballroom at the Holiday Inn is secured.  We will be setting up 3/22 at 10 AM in the morning.  We have budgeted $5000 for this event.
3/10/10 meeting “Jammies for GI”, Cheryl Lepsch will present this program on the needs of our veterans as they return home from Afghanistan and Iraq
3/24/10 we will be attending the meeting at  Merritton
April:  We will be visiting the Ross Eye Institute and will be eating the Anchor Bar on 4/28.
4/24/10 Journey for Sight” at Beaver Island State Park.  The club will need to nominate who will be the recipients for the money raised from the Walk for Sight.  The monies usually total about $1000.  Lion Dick P.; A motion was made to nominate the Neighbors Foundation of GI.  seconded by Lion Tom W, all in favor, motion passed.
May:  Lions convention in Buffalo on May14-16,  2010. An e-mail was forwarded regarding the two candidates for International Directors. Please review so that the Club can vote to give to our delegates
June:  Installation Dinner.
SKP issues need to be addressed.  Do we want to change the date to June to before school is out so that we can have the participation that we normally have?  The school districts would have to be contacted to find out if this is a possibility. Expand into Niagara County and other organizations.   Batavia School for the Blind was contacted, however,  the students have many other issues and the 60 minute travel time would be too much for the students.
Haiti:  How does the club want to address donations to Haiti.  Immediate need, monies can go to LCI or through the charitable organization of your choice.  The board can discuss this further.
Community Needs Assessment:  CNA should be pursued; Lion Bill Wind, Lion Tom W, and Lion Dick C. will be working on this.
Lion Tom DeCarlo:  Lion Tom started a new business The New name is DeCarlo/Maaco Collision 
Lion Paul:  Past President Adrian Pollack’s widow,  Audrey Pollack passed away service will be 2/14 at St. Timothy’s.
Budget/ Financial  Report:  Lion Dick C.  General Fund Budget $2497.25, Welfare Fund $5378.27 Memorial Scholarships $500 (Pollack) $965 (Kaiser) There is $9250, in the working budget,  $2486.06 is currently in the budget, more money to come in with spaghetti dinner.
Donations: Library, requests in from Docs Day for Kids, Young Life
We are fiscally sound and are up to date with our bills.
General Fund Budget items:  Dues, dinners that we have, printing and mailing.
Welfare Budget items:  Donations that we may do or requests that may come in, i.e. Excalibur, Docs Day for Kids, Young Life, SPCA, Lions Blind and Charity Fund.
Question was made if we can change the name of the Welfare Fund?  We need to find out if it is a LCI title or we can have it changed it?
A motion was made by Lion Mike that the monthly checks from the Club are read at the meetings.  Seconded by Lion Floyd. Discussion, no vote was taken.   Lion Dick read the checks and deposits issued by the club from September 09 to present.
Amended motion:  Lion Mike: The checks going in and going out be made available to the members through publication of the newsletter. Seconded by Lion Anne, discussion.  Same motion but as an addendum to the minutes, made available only to members.  All in favor.  motion passed.
Correspondence:  BonTon books are available for $5 each sale is on 2/27/10.
Motion to adjourn Lion Paul seconded Lion Dan  meeting adjourned 9:00 PM.  Board meeting immediately to follow.
Next meeting will be February , 2010 at the Holiday Inn.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
February 24, 2010

Attendance: 22 (in attendance)Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,  Fred Ruocco, Dan Morabito, Shelia Ferrentino, Anne Fahning, Floyd Doring, Tom Witkowski,  Dick Planavsky, Gerry Dubiel, Diane Dubiel, Tom Rusert Bill Wind, Colby Smith, Norm Hahn and four guests Cheryl Lepsch:  “Jammies for GI’s”, Sean Kelly, Brian Grimm, Region Chair Joe Biondo

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:075PM. 
Lion Gerry introduced our guests, prospective members, Brian Grimm and Sean Kelly
Announcements –
· Lion Dick:  Split club, $213, Lion Shelia, three of diamonds was chosen.

· Region Chair:  Lion Joe Biondo:  Lion Joe has been presenting to every club in Region 2.  Lion Joe has decided to step aside after 7 years of service.  Lion Joe thanked everyone at GI Lions for their support over the past 7 years.  Any interested parties for region chair, please contact Lion Joe Biondo.
· Lion Paul introduced Cheryl Lepsch from Tonawanda on her program: “Jammies for GI’s”.  Cheryl is a senior vice commander for Veterans services.  Cheryl reported statistics on how our military branches serve in the world and their experiences if they are in the need of medical services. There are times that the men and women are transported and have no protective gear and only the clothes on their back.  Servicemen are in need of clothing, phone cards, socks, underwear and pajamas.  Cheryl has been diligently sending, basic underwear; towels wash clothes, toothbrushes, etc to MASH units around the world.  The soldier’s clothes stay with their units and when they are sent to a MASH unit they do not have the necessities.   Basically an improvement of services is needed for veterans that have posttraumatic stress disorder.  Cheryl asks that we spread the word on the needs at hand.  Website is Jammiesforgis.org.

Lion Paul spoke to Lion Al.  He is home after he had eye surgery at Strong Memorial Hospital.  He had a detached retina, and a cornea transplant.

Correspondence secretary’s report:  We received a bill for a second pair of glasses.  We received a donation for the Adrian Pollack’s scholarship fund.  We received a donation request for Doc’s Day for Kids.  A thank you was received for our donation to Camp Badger.

Committee Reports:  Pre sale tickets for the Spaghetti Dinner were handed out to members present at the meeting.  Pre sale is very important.  Basket donations are needed.  Members are asked to thank the Tops managers for all of their support for the supplies that they donate.

Community Needs Assessment:  Lion Tom W.:  The committee will be meeting soon.
Scholarship Fund:  Lion Paul has spoken to Adrian Pollack’s son.  He has $10,000 that has been set aside for the scholarship. This money will be sent to the GI Foundation and the money will be allocated from the foundation to the Lions for an annual award.  The terminology will be changed to an Educational Award instead of a scholarship. 

Nominating Committee:  Lion Paul;  the nominating committee needs to be formed for next year.  Lion Paul will serve on the committee, but will not chair.  Lion Norm, President elect Lion Dave, Lion Paul and Lion Diane and Lion Gerry.  Lion Gerry will serve as the chair.  A meeting will held prior to the second March meeting.

Lions Blind and Charity Fund:  Lion Paul attended the annual meeting.  Our club has 5 shares that total up to $1000 or more.  Lion Paul read the letter regarding the status of the fund and its financial picture.  The goals set for the year have been met.  Lion Norm reported on total assets.  This year $57,000, was distributed, of that $35,000 went to UNYTS.  Our club’s 5 shares total $922.65.

Motion to adjourn Lion Dick seconded Lion Paul meeting adjourned  9:07 PM Board meeting immediately to follow.

Next meeting will be March 10, 2010 at the Holiday Inn.  Program will be announced
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
March 10, 2010

Attendance: 15 (in attendance)Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,  Fred Ruocco, Dan Morabito, Anne Fahning, Floyd Doring,   Dick Planavsky, Gerry Dubiel, Diane Dubiel, Tom Rusert, Bill Wind, Al Ackerman

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:075PM. 

Announcements –
· Lion Dick:  Split club, $220, Lion Dr. Bill Wind, Joe Wind, absent Lion Paul Bassette, king of hearts was chosen.

Correspondence secretary’s report:  Dave Gerhing, email; The zone chair is looking for someone to man the table for the Western New York’s Sportsman Show at the Erie County Agri-Center from 10AM to 5PM, we will be handing out public relations material.  State convention:  items are needed for the welcome bags, keychains, pencils/pens, etc.  The club received a letter from past Angel Flight Northeast pilot, Joe DeMarco. He has withdrawn his support to Angel Flight, therefore he will be setting up a new organization called Angel Wings.  BonTon community days; the club sold 85 books and we made $425.  This money will go into the welfare account.  We are in the process of completing the Blind and Charity survey.

 Treasurers Report:  $5500 has come from the welfare fund for charitable organizations for this fiscal year.

Committee Reports:  Pre sale tickets for the Spaghetti Dinner were handed out to members present at the meeting.  We are waiting for just a few people to respond for the placements.  Pre sale is very important.  Ads are appearing in the Isle de Grande and the Island Dispatch.  Basket donations are going well.   We need everyone to bake!!  We would like to display the peace posters.  Discussion was had on where they should be displayed, there are approximately 60 posters.  We will start at 10AM on 3/22 for set up. 

Nominating Committee:  Lion Gerry reporting;  The nominating slate is as follows; President Dave Chervinsky, First Vice President Anne Fahning, Second Vice President:  Tom Witkowski, Third President: open  Treasurer: Dick Crawford, Recording Secretary: Donna Lavallee, Corresponding Secretary: Annette Lobl, Tail Twister: Bill Wind, Lion Tamer:  Fred Ruocco  Director two years:  Mike Steinagel, Diane Dubiel, Director One year:  Dick Planavsky, Al Ackerman,  Immediate Past President: Henry Lobl.  Currently we will leave the third Vice President position open.
Motion to accept the slate as noted, Lion Dick P. Seconded by Lion Diane D.  All in favor, motion passed.

Membership Committee:  Lion Paul; we have three new applicants; Sean Kelly, Brian Grimm, and Kevin Slachciak.  The applications are submitted and the checks are enclosed.

Community Needs Assessment:  Lion Bill W.:  Lion Bill has put together a list of people to survey, from government services, health community, education community and businesses:  Keys items to the survey would help us determine the following.
·  What might be duplicate services from GI organizations. 
· Services that do not serve the community
·  Services that are not currently offered

· A zone Advisory Committee Meeting on April 7, 2010. At the facility on Ward Rd.   More information to follow.

· Lion Floyd would like to try to organize a Sports Night as a fundraiser, invite some Hockey Players, Football Players, etc.  Should we have a program chairman?

Special Kids Picnic:  Two issues considering the schools that participate; not enough budgetary time for teacher participation, and not enough money on the budget for transportation for the Buffalo Schools.  Basically we cannot count on The Buffalo School System for participation. Financially; Lion Dick C.  We need to get an idea of how much the individual vendors are going to charge us, prior to the club receiving the bill.  The BLC will not be charging the Club for the use of the launch club grounds for last year.  We will send them a thank you note and perhaps invite them to the installation dinner.

Motion to adjourn Lion Gerry seconded Lion Floyd meeting adjourned 8:39 PM Board meeting immediately to follow.

Next meeting will be March 24, 2010 at the Merrittans.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand  Island Lions’ Club Meeting  April 14,2010

Grand Island Holiday Inn
Present: Shelia Ferrentino, Dick Planavsky,  John McCarthy, Earl DeGlopper, Tom DeCarlo, Dan Morabito, Al Ackerman, Gerry and Diane Dubiel, Paul Bassette, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Witkowski, Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl,  Dick Crawford, Annette Boies-Lobl Guest. John Harbison.
President  Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
The Pledge was led by Dick Planavsky, the song led by Gerry Dubiel and Paul Bassette gave the prayer.
Tom Witkowski filled in as Tail Twister. Subject  was Journey for Sight Trivia.
 He introduced John Harbison a member of the GI  Rotary Club  who spoke on the Rotarian/Local Church  Project  to build a clinic in Haiti. The Manerhe  Medical Clinic is a replication of a clinic which was primarily funded by the Whitehaven Baptist Church 5 years ago for $ 50,000. Local Rotarians have traveled to Haiti for 5 years and decided to build a permanent clinic. The current project is a partnership between local churchs, district Rotary Clubs and the Rotary Foundation.  The foundation provides matching funds to local Clubs. The lab and equipment will be funded by Rotary. The building will be funded by other organizations.
Old Business:
Gerry Dubiel presented a slate of nominees for 2010-2011 . the slate is as follows:
President      David Chervinsky
First Vice      President  Anne Fahning
Second Vice President  Tom Witkowski
Third Vice President
Treasurer        Dick Crawford
Corresponding  Secretary   Annette Boies-Lobl
Recording  Secretary           Donna Lavallee
Tail Twister       Bill Wind
Lion Tamer      Fred Ruocco
Director Two Years Diane Dubiel
Director Mike Steinagel
Director One Year Dick Planavsky
Director One Year Al Ackerman
Membership Chair Paul Bassette
Immediate Past President  Henry Lobl
As there are no more nominations from the floor a motion was made by Gerry to have the Secretary cast one vote. Motion was 2nd by Diane.   A  single ballot was cast by Lion Secretary Annette Boies-Lobl for the slate as presented .Journey for Sight Walk Saturday 4/24 11 AM  Beaver island State Park- Tom WitkowskiBeverages will be needed . Club will provide Dave will pick –up. Cooks will be needed  that day. Anne volunteered All are encouraged to come out..
Special Kids Picnic  Annette reported that letters to groups wil be going out next week.Community Needs Assessment Committee Tom reported that it will meet after the Walk. Also Dick C. reported that there is a town committee involved in a similar activity called One Island.(Town ,School boards and Community leaders).
Kids Day for Childrens’s Hospital is April  27 from Knights Hall beginning @ 5:30 am- Gerry Dubiel.
May 12 Meeting will be the installation of 3 new members.-Paul Bassette.
Next Meeting 4/28  is the tour of the Ross inststute. E-mail will be sent regarding car pool.Motion to adjourn by Dick Planavsky,2nd by Al Ackerman.
Respectfully  Submitted
Annette Boies-Lobl  acting for Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
May 12, 2010

Attendance: 27 (in attendance)Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,  Fred Ruocco, Dan Morabito, Anne Fahning,  Dick Planavsky, Gerry Dubiel, Bill Wind,  Brooks Rimes, Norm Hahn, Ross Kaiser, John McCarthy, Mike Steinagel, Shelia Ferrentino, Dave Chervinsky, 5nguests; Jim Muscoreil, Diane Muscoreil, Tom Witkowski, Brian Rusk, Dr. Jeffrey Meilman, Michelle Patterson, 3 new members Brian Grimm, Sean Kelly, Kevin Slachciak.

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:05PM. 

Announcements – guests were introduced, Dr. Jeffrey Meilman, Brian Rusk, Michelle Patterson, Jim Muscoreil, Diane Muscoreil.
· Lion Dick:  Split club, $239, Lion Henry Lobl, The 5 of spades was chosen.

Brian Rusk introduced our guest speaker.  Dr. Meilman a board certified plastic surgeon that has traveled the world donating his surgical skills to many children in need of plastic surgery.

Dr. Jeffrey Meilman: Dr. Jeffrey Meilman’s local Charity called Hope for Tomorrow.  Over 2000 children worldwide have benefited.  .Hospital’s have donated their facility and surgeon’s their expertise.  Cases were presented.  By the mid 1990’s there were 2 trips scheduled per year, severely disfigured individuals were brought back to Buffalo for surgery. All monies are raised locally.  The next trip will be in 2 weeks to Vietnam.

Committee Reports: 
· Dave Chervinsky:  5/29 Merriton’s Lion Club will be having their Lobsterfest, the cost is $65/per,  includes all the lobster and prime rib, all you can eat.  Anyone who would like to go please tell Lion Dave.
· The next meeting at the BLC we will honor the Peace Poster winners.
· Lion Bob Christmann has been trying to contact the Buffalo School District on the SKP.  At this point it looks like we have approximately 300 children.

Membership Chairman; Installation of New Members:  Paul Bassette.  We will be inducting three new members, Brian Grimm, Sean Kelly and Kevin Slachciak.  Past district governor Jim Muscoreil will perform the ceremony. 

 Corresponding Secretary report:  Lion Annette
We have 2 request s for donations from the Excaliber and Niagara Frontier reading services.  A potential service project with the GI Senior center was presented.  It would be once a month delivering meals to 4 or 5 individuals.  Lion Annette will distribute a volunteer list.  There is more need in the winter.  This would be an easy way for the club to give back to the community.

Community Needs Assessment:  There will be a meeting at Lion Tom Witkowski’s house 57 Fieldstone, on Tuesday 5/18 at 7 PM to brainstorm for the Community Needs Assessment, anyone is welcome.

Journey for Sight;  26 people came for Journey for Sight in one day we raised $5406.

Scholarship Committee: There will be a meeting on 5/18 at Lion Paul Bassette’s house at 7 PM

Convention:  The club needs to discuss how the on the delegates will vote on our behalf.  No members responded to Lion Annette email regarding their vote.  A motion was made by Lion Dick P. that the delegates that will be attending the convention vote how they feel is best.  All in favor.  Motion passed.  Council of Governors referendum was read.  A motion that again the four delegates be able to vote as they see fit.  All in favor.  Motion passed.  The issue of the Multiple districts in NYS Screening Eyes Early Program.  The SEE program has depleted the $250k dollars, the delegates will discuss how they will vote at the convention on whether or not it will be a state funded Lions program.  There are many issues to consider the delegates will review.

Treasurers Report:  Lion Dick C.  Lion Dick reviewed the welfare and general budget as it stands.

· An offer was made that we would provide transportation to children for the SKP.  Lion Bob Christmann did make any progress in his discussions with the Buffalo School District.

Special Kids Picnic:  Two issues: considering the schools that participate; not enough budgetary time for teacher participation, and not enough money on the budget for transportation for the Buffalo Schools.  Basically we cannot count on The Buffalo School System for participation. Financially; Lion Dick C.  We need to get an idea of how much the individual vendors are going to charge us, prior to the club receiving the bill.  The BLC will not be charging the Club for the use of the launch club grounds for last year.  We will send them a thank you note and perhaps invite them to the installation dinner.

Motion to adjourn Lion Dave seconded Lion Anne  meeting adjourned  8:58PM.

Next general meeting will be May 26, 2010 at the Buffalo Launch Club board meeting with immediately follow.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting May 26, 2010

Attendance: 22 (in attendance)Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,  Fred Ruocco, Anne Fahning,  Dick Planavsky, Gerry Dubiel, Diane Dubiel, Bill Wind, Norm Hahn, Tom Rusert, Floyd Doring, Tom DeCarlo,  Al Ackerman, Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Butler, 4 guests; Carleen Conway, Mrs. Conway, Emily Conway, Josh Kibler

Lion President Elect Dave Chervinsky called the meeting to order at 7:15PM. 

Announcements – guests were introduced, Peace poster winner, Carleen Conway, her mother and sister were also present.  Josh Kibler a colleague of Lion Tom Witkowski.
· Lion Dick:  Split club, $248, Lion Dick P, The 3 of hearts was chosen.

John Harbison, from the GI Rotary Club. John thanked the club for the $500 donation towards the new medical clinic in the village of Maniche, Haiti.  This clinic will be built for a village of 8000 people.  A copy of the clinic plans were passed around for review.  This clinic will serve approximately 750 patients a week.  This should be a self sustaining clinic staffed 6 days a week.

Program: Peace Poster chair Paul Bassette:  Lion Paul gave a quick background on the history of The Peace Poster.  This year’s theme was “The Power of Peace”.  The judging criteria is based on use of theme, artistic ability and originality  Second place winner Miss Laura Szczepankiewicz was unable to attend due to other commitments.  Lion Paul read her letter addressed to the club. Miss Carleen Conway first place winner from St. Stephen’s School presented her poster to the club.  The posters will be display for 1 year at the Grand Island Public Library.  Next year’s theme is “The Vision of Peace”.

Committee Reports: 
· Diane Dubiel:  Update on the installation dinner 6/9 at the GI Holiday Inn, 6 PM for Cocktails and 7 PM for dinner, spouses and significant others are invited as well as the Lion’s club widows.
· Lion Tom and Lion Bill:  Community Needs Assessment; we hope to expand the influence to the surrounding areas.  We hope to get a group of people that are interested in helping people of all ages; we are looking into getting interest for all volunteers.  We want this to be easy for people to serve.  We would like to get a website for a survey and to serve as a link when opportunities become available.
· Convention:  International Director Elect Alexander Doug Anderson.
· Scholarship committee:  (Lion’s Diane, Fred, Brooks, Mark Frenzel and Lion Paul) The committee has met and they have selected 4 winners.  The winners will be notified on the awards night.  
· SPK:  Niagara Oleans BOCES, Erie BOCES; We will at least have 300 children present. Invitations have been sent out for the 3rd Wednesday of July.  There will be a planning meeting at Lion Annette’s house on 6/16th.  This is pending date, if the date changes the club members will be notified.
· Lion Tom DeCarlo:  The paperwork for the 4th of July parade has been filed.  Tom invited anyone who would like to drive a convertible instead of walking would be appreciated.  We still need walkers, and someone to wear the Lion costume.  We should also look into candy to pass out to the kids.  We need a count for those who want to participate.  With at least a weeks notice
· Couples picnic cruise will be the Saturday before 7/17/10 at Lion Anne’s house.
· Seniors Center: Meals on Wheels through the Senior Center.  Lion Annette will send an email for those people interested in helping.  One day could be Lions Day.

Motion to adjourn Lion Gerry seconded Lion Floyd meeting adjourned  8:27 PM.

Next meeting will be the Installation Dinner June 9, 2010 at the Holiday Inn. 
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting September 8, 2010

Attendance: 23 (in attendance)Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Fred Ruocco, Anne Fahning, Gerry Dubiel, Diane Dubiel, Bill Wind, Tom Rusert, Tom DeCarlo, Al Ackerman, Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Butler, Earl DeGlopper, John McCarthy, Brookes Rimes, Shelia Ferrentino, Mike Steinagel, guests; Tim Crawford, George Kelly of Hamlin Lion Club

Lion President Elect Dave Chervinsky called the meeting to order at 7:02PM. There was a motion by Tom W to release the Tail Twister.

Announcements - guests were introduced, Lions Tim Crawford and George Kelly from the Hamlin Lions Club. " Lion Dick: Split club, $258, Lion Anne Fahning, The 9 of clubs was chosen. . Program: Project New Hope is a military retreat camp for veterans and their families. Lion George Kelly from the Hamlin Lions Club presented on the purpose and goals of the camp. Project New Hope is a 2 day healing camp for veterans of all branches of the military. Counseling and various other services are provided to those attending the retreat camp. This is done at no cost to the families. The NY camp is located in Spencer NY, by Ithaca. The camp completed its first year currently and takes place in the summer months. Planning for 2011 includes 5 camp experiences. The camp is conducted 100% by volunteers. People can get involved by donating to cook a meal, clean and update cabins or donate services.

Lion President Dave presented Lion George Kelly with a donation to Project New Hope with a check for $100.

Induction of Lion Brooks Rimes as the clubs Third Vice President. \ Lion Earl was recognized for being a 30 year member of the GI Lions Club.

Lion Paul; membership. We need to recruit new members by selling the club as a worthwhile use of a prospective member's time. The club had some new brochures printed. The brochures were distributed to members to hand out. Members are asked to consider who they may like to ask to join the club.

White Cane Sale: The club collected $1790.

Dues: There are still approximately 7 members that have yet to pay. Perhaps notification by snail mail and email. Some members said that they never received their email.

Correspondence: Lion Annette. The District 20 N cabinet meeting will be on September 19, 2010 in Ellicottville, registration at 9, lunch at 12:30.

Shelbi Milkas: The club is assisting Shelbi as she attends a Festival of the Lions Club in Trurillo, Peru from September 14-September 26. The club provided pins, t shirts, eyeglasses and hearing aids. There will be an article in the Island Dispatch.

Loan Closet was cleaned out and the recycled materials totaled $300.

Committee Reports: " Bon Ton Lion Anne: Community Days will be November 13, 2010. Please purchase books as the club benefits greatly from this. " Christmas Trees - Fundraiser at Kelly Country Store. If we do this it will take a lot of man hours. Lion Gerry has not received any returned phone calls regarding wholesale trees. The Kelly's will provide the site. Costs and time will considered and discussed at the next board meeting. " Diabetes Screening: Lion Shelia. Sunday November 14, 2010 at the Knights of Columbus from 9-1 PM. We are looking for ideas to promote the event. Lion Tom may provide vision screening for any children " Meals on Wheels: The Lions participated in our first meals on wheels. The meals were picked up at the nursing home and the route takes about 45 minutes. " Community Needs Assessment (CNA): Lion Tom: Lions Tom and Lion Bill have been developing the form and they will report back to the club as things develop.

Old Business: Little Valley Lions Club will be celebrating their 33th charter anniversary on October 7th. GI Lions are invited because Lion Adrian Pollack was instrumental in starting the club. Lions Diane and Lion Dave will attend.

New Business: Saturday October 23rd there will be a fundraiser for a new Kaegebein Playground. Perhaps the club could donate 1 or 2 baskets for their basket raffle. There are logistical issues that need to be ironed out if the community is to help build the playground.

GI Little League opportunity: Lion Mike will report at the next meeting.

Motion to adjourn Lion Gerry seconded Lion Tom B meeting adjourned 9:07 PM.

Next general meeting will be September 22, 2010 at the Buffalo Launch Club. Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting September 22, 2010

Attendance: 18 in attendance) Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Anne Fahning, Gerry Dubiel, Diane Dubiel, Bill Wind, Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman, Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Tom Butler, Norm Hahn, Shelia Ferrentino, Mike Steinagel guests; Joe De Marco from Wings flights of hope

Lion President Dave Chervinsky called the meeting to order at 7:10PM. LP Dave introduced Lion Joe DeMarco from Orchard Park Lion Club he will address the club on Wings; Flights of Hope. There was a motion by Tom W to release the Tail Twister seconded by Paul. Motion to release, passed. " Lion Dick: Split club, $266, Lion Mike Steinagel, The 8 of clubs was chosen. . Program: Wings" Flights of Hope" Flight for all medical patients, family of patients and military personal. The organization is run entirely by volunteers and volunteer pilots. Fuel for pilots is available. Wings are doing a tremendous amount of flights. They have had a fundraiser last week with 3000 people present. Wings has a facebook page for those interested in checking out the organization. Ground transportation is a big part of the organization, it is not a problem in Buffalo, however, in other cities there is a definite need.

Correspondence: Lion Annette. Request to recognize an Eagle Scout Christopher Sean Swagler. Tickets for a sportman's raffle from the Depew Lions Club are available to anyone who is interested. West Seneca Lions Club Spaghetti Dinner, Oct 17, 2010 $8.00. Amherst Lions request from someone on Grand Island for a hearing aid. The paper work for AEStadelmaier Hearing aid Fund.

Upcoming meetings

October 13- presentation to Mike Kelly's family for his dedication to the club and the SKP, this meeting will be at the KOC October 27, 2010 a presentation of Shelbi Milkas and her experience at the Feastival Primavera. November 10, 2010, Barb Gannon will speak on the Golden Age Center, this meeting will be at the BLC. November 13- Bon Ton Community Days November 14 - Diabetes Screening at the KOC December 8 - Christmas Party January 12- DG is visiting

Christmas Trees fundraiser: Michigan grower; Minimum freight deposit of $2000, minimum order is 350 trees. The trees would cost anywhere from $16-$20 dollars. Addison NY near Coring NY, approximately $20/tree, but there is no guarantee that they will have trees available. We may need a small local grower.

Committee Reports: " Bon Ton Lion Anne: Community Days will be November 13, 2010. We would like to sell 50 books. " Diabetes Screening: Lion Shelia. Sunday November 14, 2010 at the Knights of Columbus from 9-1 PM. We are looking for ideas to promote the event. Lion Tom may provide vision screening for any children " Community Needs Assessment (CNA): Lion Bill: Passed out the survey that is 3 pages approximately 10 minutes to complete, members are asked to complete the survey. Isle de Grande could maybe link the survey. Lion Bill spoke to The Rotary Club tonight. " Meals on Wheels - Lion Gerry, Lion Diane and Lion Tom completed the most recent run. Everything went very smoothly. Lion Shelia volunteered to be an alternate. " Lion Mike - Lion Mike brought up a possible opportunity for the GI Lions Club. It would involve helping with the snack stand at the Little League Snack stand at Veterans Park. The Club would take some turns at manning the stand to give the club exposure and a cash donation. Mike briefly presented on the inception of The Miracle League of GI and WNY. A baseball league for special needs kids. " LP Dave shared an email from Lion Diane Muscoreil regarding a grant. The Brandel Murphy Youth Fund that supports projects that improve the lives of children. " Cornerstone recognition for PDG Marie Grosso. Various levels of contribution will be recognized. Proceeds benefit the Brandel Murphy Youth Fund. " Lion Tom presented on district news. Big issue is redistricting. MD 20 membership is declining. Redistricting will create a new district 20A, incorporating the past 20n and 3 new counties, Orleans Genesee and Wyoming. Minimum district size 1600, boundaries are the county lines. Voting will no later than Oct 5, 2010. Lion Tom recommends that we support this effort. Motion by Lion Henry that the decision be made by the board. All in favor. Motion passed. " New Lions Brochure are available

Motion to adjourn Lion Anne seconded Lion Shelia meeting adjourned 9:13 PM. Board meeting to follow. Next general meeting will be October 13, 2010 at the Knights of Columbus. Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

        Grand Island Lions Club Meeting, Knights of Columbus Hall, October 13, 2010
      President Dave Chevinsky called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM.
Lion Dave welcomed the Lions Club of Merritton, Onatrio, Canada
He asked Lion Sean Kelly to introduce his family, his Mom, Deanna, brother, Kevin, sister, Maureen and cousin, Paul Kelly.   
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dan Morabito.
America was led by Al Ackerman.
O Canada was led by Glenn Connell
Lion Dave asked the Merritton and Grand Island Lions to introduce themselves.
Dinner was served.

      Program Followed:
Lion Dave presented to the Kelly Family a plaque honoring Lion Mike Kelly, posthumously, for his years of dedication and service to the Special Kids Picnic.
Merritton Lions President Keith discussed the current Fundraising activities of the Labor Day Carnival and the 12/03 Turkey Draw.
Blind and Charity Fund. Paul Bassette asked for volunteers to stuff envelopes 10/23. Lions Paul, Diane, Jerry and Norm will participate.
Cabinet Meeting 11/06.
Lion Dave asked Tom W. to give a summary of the proposal for downsizing of D-20 N.
Lions Tom Witkowski, Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel and Paul Bassette will act as delegates. (The Club had previously voted yes to the proposal). 

Lion Annette showed the thank-You notes which had been received from the school children participating in the Special Kids Picnic.
Lion Dave stated that the Christmas tree sale fundraiser will be discussed at the 10/27 Board meeting.
Lion Henry made a motion to adjourn. 2nd by Norm Hahn.
Next meeting October 27,2010 at the Buffalo Launch Club.

      Respectfully submitted ,
Annette Lobl   

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting October 27, 2010

Attendance: 19 in attendance) Dick Crawford, Dan Morabito, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Anne Fahning, Diane Dubiel, Tom Rusert, Al Ackerman, Tom Witkowski, Dave Chervinsky, Sean Kelly, Fred Ruocco, Brooks Rimes, Dick Planavsky, Brian Grimm, Mike Steinagel, guests Shelbi Milkas, Kathy Kemp and Maryann Kemp.

Lion President Elect Dave Chervinsky called the meeting to order at 7:10PM. LP Dave introduced Shelbi Milkas our presenter for the evening.

Program: Shelbi Milkas presented on her trip to Trujillo, Peru. Shelbi was chosen to be a baton ambassador for a festival to welcome the coming of spring. She met with the president of the Local Lions club. The ambassadors marched in parades, visited orphanages and nursing homes and presented gifts of eyeglasses and hearing aids. It was a wonderful experience Shelbi thanked the club for their assistance and presented the club with a token gift.

Correspondence: oLion Dave: The Lockport Lions and Kenan Center invites all to the Lions to the International Peace Poster Contest. Wednesday November 10th at 5:45 at the Student Art Gallery, 433 Locust Street, Lockport NY. oThe South Buffalo/Lackawanna Lions Club will hold a Meet Raffle on Friday November 5th at the Knights of Columbus, 261 S. Legion Dr. South Buffalo NY at 6:30PM. Cost is $5 and includes door prize, beer and snacks.

Christmas Trees: Sean Kelly, Kelly's Country Store will pay for the trees and set them up, however they need help selling the trees. Sean asked if the club would be willing to sell the trees for the Santa Claus hours, MWF 6-9 PM and Sat and Sunday from 11- 5 PM. This would be from right after thanksgiving through Christmas. They will take care of all of the finances and keep track of the expenses; $200 for the rental of a bailer, and .50 cents to bale a tree. They would like to begin with 150 trees, the cost of the trees go from $22 and $28 a tree. The trees would retail from $50 - $60. The board will discuss this further.

Committee Reports: " Bon Ton Lion Anne: Community Days will be November 13, 2010. We would like to sell 50 books. " Diabetes Screening: Lion Dick. Sunday November 14, 2010 at the Knights of Columbus from 9-1 PM. We are looking for ideas to promote the event. Lion Tom may provide vision screening for any children. " Peace poster: Lion Paul the committee met and selected 1 winner from St Stephens School, 1 runner up from Connor Middle School and 4 honorary mentions.

Lion Dick: Split club, $273, Lion Paul the Jack of spades was chosen.

Motion to adjourn Lion Dick seconded Lion Anne meeting adjourned 9:00 PM. Board meeting to follow. Next general meeting will be November 10, 2010 at the BLC. 

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
November 10, 2010

Attendance: 18 in attendance)  Dick Crawford,  Dan Morabito, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee,  Anne Fahning, Diane Dubiel,  Al Ackerman, Dave Chervinsky,  Fred Ruocco, Brooks Rimes, Dick Planavsky, Mike Steinagel, Earl DeGlopper, Henry Lobl, Jerry Dubiel, Norm Hahn, Tom Butler, guest Barb Gannon.

Lion President Elect Dave Chervinsky called the meeting to order at 7:10PM.  LP Dave introduced our guest speaker Barb Gannon, director from the GI Golden Age Center.

Split Club: $283 in the split club, Tom Butler selected the seven of diamond.

Program: Barb Gannon presented on what’s happening at the Golden Age Center on Grand Island.  Activities at the Center include planned trips that the participants vote on.  Barb thanked the club on our participation in the Meals on Wheels program.  The Club has filled a void of Friday participation which was always a difficult day to fill.  This program is an important service and “check” on participants.  The transportation service helps people get to doctors visits, etc.  Meals are $2 for those who come for lunch.  There are exercise programs, computer club, HEAP applications and a book club.  There is no cost to join. Monthly newsletters are available at the town hall and at the center.  Advertisements are available in the newsletter.
Correspondence:  Lion Dave reported on correspondence.  The Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service requesting a donation, this will be discussed at the board meeting.  They provide 2000 hours of radio reading for the blind.  There is a need for additional readers.  New York State
and Bermuda Lions Foundation Raffle, prizes are jewelry, see LP Dave if you are interested in purchasing tickets.  Ray Wheeler Humanitarian Fund, Monetary request will go to the board.  Freedom Guide Dogs annual appeal is going out soon.  The Wilson Lion Club invitation to their annual Christmas Party December 6, Wilson House Inn.  Hands across the border, January 18, at the Day’s Inn in Niagara Falls, NY.  Interested parties see Lion Dave.  20N region social, dinner and show at Sheas Performing Arts, Irish Tenors, December 9, cost $75 -$85.
Committee Reports: 

Christmas Trees:  Please sign up work a shift.  Shifts are Saturday and Sunday from 11-5PM and MWF from 5-9 PM. 

Fundraiser on November 21 at Mallwitz Lanes for a small child that is in need of retinal transplants.  Lion Tom Witkowski would like to see what the clubs commitment would be to provide a donation or a basket.

Lion Mike - Miracle League Board is moving swiftly.  Lion Mike forwarded Lions Club International involvement in Miracle League in another state.  Lion Tom W. will assist in the proper grant writing for matching grants through LCI.  There have been clubs that have been successful in obtaining matching grants as much as $75k and $50k. The first fundraiser by Miracle League was a success.  Lion Tom also mentioned a matching grant of $500 through the Ray Wheeler Fund.  The board will consider.
Bon Ton Lion Anne:  Community Days will be November 13, 2010.  We would like to sell 50 books.  We typically raise approximately $500, we are able sell for a slot on Saturday from 10 AM-noon. People can shop Friday and Saturday.
Diabetes Screening:  Lion Dick.  Sunday November 14, 2010 at the Knights of Columbus from 9-1 PM.  We are looking for people to volunteer to sign people in.  The people who are running the screening know what they need to set up.
Lion Dick purchased the lighted advertising sign for $379 at Sam’s Club, however, there is a malfunction.  The sign will be returned for another sign.  The sign is currently in front of Realty USA advertising the Diabetes Screening.  We are in need of extra letters.
Lion Diane reported on the cabinet meeting.  Past DG Ken B is available to speak.  MERL Membership Extension, Retention and Leadership will be disbanded and replaced by the GMT (Global Management Team).  LPDG
Jim Muscoreil will help clubs in advertising events through Television. Lion Paul our Peace Poster finalist did not make it into the top 5.  The four attendees voted for the consolidation of the district 20N.  This will allow it to be placed on the ballot at the NYS convention.  The Lions Blind and Charity Fund appeal will be coming out soon, please contribute as you see fit as some proceeds come back to the club.

Motion to adjourn Lion Dick seconded Lion Anne meeting adjourned  9:11 PM.
Board meeting to follow.

Next general meeting will be the Christmas Party
December 8, 2010 at the GI Holiday Inn. 

Respectively submitted
by Lion Donna Lavallee
